Documentation for MADE.
Typographic Ballet by Ebon Heath
After 4 months of work, 4 months of learning and trying, a lot of stress, sweat, and even some tears, but also 4 months of good times
and laughter and beautiful moments, we were finally ready to present our 2nd big MADE project orchestrated by artist Ebon Heath:
Ebon didn’t pull off this monster project by himself, but had a whole army of collaborators by his side ranging from bondage designers to choreographers, m.c.’s to journalists, songwriters and a lot of super motivated helping hands.
The four kinetic bodysculptures were filled with content by no others than German journalist Tita von Hardenberg, Brooklyn’s finest m.c. Talib Kweli, Iranian poet Forough Farrokhzad and vocalist Parvin Namazi and last but not least singer songwriter Max Herre and theatre producer Kevin Rittberger.
Obvisously, there were many more people involved that need to be credited, which will be all mentioned and acknowledged in our next post. For now, we let you enjoy the first photos of our opening exhibition!
Text: Luise /